Learn how to do a self color analysis using the Your Color Style color wheels.
Jen shows you a quick step-by-step of what you will be doing in this color analysis course.

DIY Color Analysis Course
This video based step-by-step course will walk you through doing an online self color analysis.
Insert your photo into the Your Color Style color wheels and learn how to see decide color type looks best.
"This is the SAME picture pasted 4 times! It’s not lighting, it’s the Colors! How amazing is that?"
~ Marjorie

Jen Vax
Hi! I'm Jen Vax. I am so happy you are here. I am your behind-the-scenes instructor here to guide you to your most flattering colors through video lessons, color theory, photo examples and more.
Like you, I have felt frumpy and blah. I was constantly seeking my personal style and never really liking how I look.
But I've been through a journey of self discovery to grow into a person that is finally comfortable in her own skin (and confident in my style choices).
Today my mission is to help amazing women, like you, discover the creative playful fearless loving girl that is their true nature and create a signature style that expresses who they truly are. And this all starts with learning your colors!