Are you ready to discover the colors that make you look and feel your best? At Your Color Style, Jen Vax and her team specialize in helping you find your personal color palette through an easy, convenient, and accurate online color analysis.
Whether you're looking for a quick answer or a deep dive into your best colors, we offer three levels of virtual color analysis to suit your needs.
Get your colors done quickly and affordably.
- A virtual color analysis by one of our trained and certified color analysts. NOT AI or a Bot.
- An e-book with your color analysis that shows you your virtual drapings in the 3 steps of the Your Color Style methodology.
- Your digital color palette of at least 40 colors plus your neutrals.
How it works:
- Submit a high-quality photo (we'll send you instructions on how to take the best one).
- A trained color analyst will do an accurate color analysis based on your photo using our proven online color analysis process.
- Jen Vax will review your color analysis to ensure quality and accuracy.
- A detailed PDF document will be emailed to you within 3 to 5 business days from receiving your photos showing your photo draped in key colors and tones, identifying your best color palette.
Personal 1:1 service with custom color palette and color fan.
- A virtual color analysis by one of our trained and certified color analysts. NOT AI or a Bot.
- Jen Vax will review your color analysis to ensure quality and accuracy.
- A personalized e-book highlighting your color analysis, your best neutrals and at least 12 recommended BEST colors.
- Hair color recommendations
- A 60-minute Zoom call with your assigned color analyst to discuss your results, ask questions, and refine your color palette.
- A detailed review of your online color analysis, where your color analyst walks you through their thought process and recommendations.
- A Makeup Analysis by Gail Scott to determine your makeup colors and skin care ($137)
- Your color fans shipped directly to you. ($150)
- The mobile-friendly expanded digital color palette that has 40+ more colors and neutrals than your color fan. ($25)
- A color guide that teaches you HOW to wear your colors. ($37)
- 3 months of Style Masters ($87)
Experience the highest level of personalized color analysis, exclusively with Jen Vax, the founder of Your Color Style, to reveal your most flattering and empowering palette.
- A virtual color analysis by Jen Vax
- A 90-minute Zoom call with Jen to discuss your color analysis, ask questions and refine your color palette
- All of what is included with the Signature Color Analysis
How it works:
- Submit a high-quality photo (we'll send you instructions on how to take the best one).
- Jen Vax will personally do an accurate color analysis based on your photo using her proven online color analysis process.
- You will meet with Jen on a zoom call where she will explain your color analysis, show you draped in several of your best colors, and answer all of your questions.
- Your color analysis ebook, digital color palette and color guide will be emailed to you. Your color fans will be shipped to you.
- Jen will then share your color analysis and photos with Gail Scott so that she can do your makeup analysis.
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Sign up for a quick 10-minute call with a color expert to ask your questions and see which service is right for you (no pressure or obligation). We are glad to help.
What our customers say...

Your Color Style is not seasonal color analysis
If you're new here, it's important to know that Your Color Style is a proprietary color analysis system that is simple, inclusive and accurate. You will not learn your season here. You will receive your most flattering color palette that is perfectly aligned with your natural coloring and tones. This is better than seasonal color analysis, because we don't try to force you into a season. We analyze your tones through a proven 3-step methodology. And then we customize your color palette to be perfect for you, based on your personality and unique coloring.
Within a few minutes of purchasing your Personal Online Color Analysis, you will receive an email with instructions on what we need from you to complete your color analysis.

Step 2: Meet Sharon!
She is my amazing operations manager and will be managing your color analysis order. She will be facilitating all phases of your color analysis and making sure we deliver to you in a timely manner. Behind the scenes, she assigns your order to one of our trained color analysts. She makes sure they receive your photos. She's here to support you and make sure you have the best experience.

Step 3: Meet Your Color Analysis Consultant
Once Sharon has received your photos, your color analysis is assigned to one of our trained color analysts. I have personally trained and mentored each color consultant on my team. Your assigned color analyst will go through all of your photos and choose the best photos for your online color analysis. Sometimes, she may need to contact you for different photos, if she's not seeing the details she needs. She will, then, masterfully do a virtual color analysis and create your e-book.

Step 4: I Personally Review and Approve
Once your color analyst has done her first pass at your color analysis, she sends it to me for review. We discuss your photos and your analysis. I have found that we get the most accurate result when we work as a team on your color analysis. Two sets of eyes has proven to work better than just one person. Sometimes, I request changes. Sometimes, we go back and forth. We don't send you your color analysis until we are confident that we have it right. Because it's important.

Step 5: Receive your Color Analysis
If you choose the Express Color Analysis, then you will receive an email with your color analysis attached as a PDF.
If you choose the Signature Color Analysis, then your color analyst will meet with you on Zoom to review your e-book detailing your color analysis.
The ebook will show you virtually draped in your signature colors: your blushing colors, your eye-poppin' colors and your grounding colors. Plus, we will show you draped in 6 more colors we believe will look amazing on you. You're going to love it!
The zoom session is a wonderful opportunity to ask questions and to understand your recommended color palette.

Step 6: Receive Your Color Fan Bundle
If you choose the Signature Color Analysis, then you will receive your color fan bundle after you receive your color analysis. Shopping and editing your wardrobe is super easy with your color fans and color guides.
You will receive:
- Your color analysis e-book
- Your mini color fan (perfect for shopping)
- Your digital color guide
- The Color Strategies e-book
- A delightful drawstring bag