Your Color and Style Based On Your Enneagram Type

Your Color and Style Based On Your Enneagram Type

Your Color and Style Based On Your Enneagram Type

Here is some info on Enneagrams to help you understand your self and how your personality influences your color and style choices. The more you know about who you are, the less resistance you'll feel when pulling your outfits together.

To learn your Enneagram, there are several free tests online. Gail and I are not experts in Enneagrams but Gail is very knowledgable if you have questions. We don't support any particular site. You search online for Enneagram Test. Here is one that I tried. 

The video in this lesson is a segment of a previous live call. Gail dives deep into Enneagrams and the conversation is a lot of fun. I hope you enjoy it!

Plus download the PDF that shows you what your style and color choices are based on your Enneagram.


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Are you ready to show up everyday with confidence and authenticity? Learn how to easily pull together complete outfits that flatter your shape, are in your BEST colors and express who you are.

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Jennifer Vax

Jen Vax is the founder of Your Color Style. She is a best selling author, speaker, artist and entrepreneur. She helps women learn how to wear color in a way that expresses their true nature. Take the FREE color analysis quiz to get started.

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