Soft Warm and Deep Explained

Soft Warm and Deep Explained

Women that are soft and warm

You are soft warm and deep if you wear slightly softened colors and rich warm earthy colors, you have warm undertones and you have deep hair, eyes and/or skin. Only one of your features needs to be very dark. The photos above show women with medium skin, but you can have lighter skin and still be considered deep.

Your color palette is very similar to bright warm and deep. You share the darker colors with the bright palette. The only difference between the two color palettes is the brightest clear chroma colors in the bright warm and deep color palette have been slightly softened for the soft warm and deep color palette.

In seasonal color analysis, an Autumn is described as soft warm and deep. Your Color Style is not seasonal color analysis, nor do we have color palettes that directly align with each of the seasons, but if you're looking for what this color type is closest to, it would be Autumn.

You'll see a mini color palette for soft warm and deep below.

On this page:


Soft Warm and Deep Mini Color Palette

Here is a small collection of colors from the soft warm and deep color palette. Pin these colors to your Pinterest board. If these colors feel right to you, then you may have found your color type! Scroll down on this page to learn more about this color type and to shop our color fan collection.

Soft Warm and Deep Mini Color Palette

Take the Color Analysis Quiz


Gray Hair With Warm Undertones

If you have gray hair with warm undertones you may find my book "Great With Gray" very helpful in understanding which colors in your BWL color palette will look best with your gray hair.


The Warm Color Palettes Explained

This video explains the color theory behind the warm color palettes and the clear chroma color wheel, so that you can understand how the colors are created for your color palette.


The Soft Warm and Deep Color Fans

The soft warm and deep color palette is ideal for you if you have dark hair, dark eyes or dark skin. You wear slightly softened colors and rich warm colors like maroon and persimmon very well.

Order Your Mini Color Fan

Soft Warm & Deep Mini Color Fan - Compact Size

Shop the Soft Warm Deep Color Fan Collection

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The Warm Medium to Deep Color Fan

Do you feel like you are in between bright and soft? In between medium and deep? Watch the video below that explains how you don't how to choose right now. Your Warm Medium to Deep Color Fan can be customized to suit your unique coloring and tone.

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