BCM Levels

Customize your color palette, so that you wear your BEST colors. You may lean warm or cool within your color palette. This will explain why some of the colors in your color palette don't feel right. If you are dominantly cool, then you may discover that some of the "warm" colors feel off. Or you may have some warm tones, like olive green in your eyes. This will open up some colors that other people with cool undertones may not be able to wear.
Your Levels Guide will show you a custom color wheel, along with a description, for each of the 3 levels. You can customize your color fan based on your level by removing the colors that don't suit you.
To download your guide,
join Style Masters.
Are you ready to show up everyday with confidence and authenticity? Learn how to easily pull together complete outfits that flatter your shape, are in your BEST colors and express who you are.
- Posted in Bright Cool, Bright Cool Medium, Levels