5 Color Analysis Questions Answered

I answer 5 color analysis questions in this video.
Color Question #1: Does a charcoal gray with a purple cast work for a Soft Warm Deep? ~ Renee
Color Question #2: Hi Jen, i'm enjoying learning about my best colors from you, thanks so much. I've turned to be soft cool medium, and was so interested to find my favorite clothes are in the color palette recommended by you.
I am having trouble finding anything that is charcoal blue. Is indigo another name for it? ~ Thanks, Linda
Question #3: First of all, congratulations for the work you do. I know I'm a deep autumn - soft & cool undertone person and I would like to purchase the Deep Autumn pdf presented in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynpCQ_055cc.
I do not find this one on your website. Can you please guide me which pdf contains the style examples for my type? ~ Regards, Andreea
Color Analysis Question #4: Hi Jen! As I get older, would I change from a soft, medium, warm to a soft, light, warm? ~ Kathy
Color Question #5: I love Your Colour Style and enjoyed your recent video "How To Create Stylish Color Combinations with Color Palette Cards". I would really like to purchase your colour palette cards, however am unsure which cards I need.
I have recently had my colours done by Colour Me Beautiful. I am a Soft Warm Muted colour under their scheme.
Can you please advise - is this the same as your your Soft Warm Light? ~ Fleur
Here are the links mentioned in the video for your reference:
The Bright Warm and Deep Style Guide and the Soft Cool and Deep Style Guide
The color palette card video "How To Create Stylish Color Combinations with Color Palette Cards"