Are you in a Midlife Style Rut?!

Are you in a Midlife Style Rut?!

Are you in a Midlife Style Rut?!

It happens to each of us from time to time... we fall into a style rut.

Life in general, stress, busy-ness, feeling unwell, weight gain, and depression are just a few contributing factors that can lead us to this point. But in midlife, we add changes in how we spend our time, empty nesting, our career, aging, menopause, and much more that can leave us feeling out of sorts.

We have often lost our sense of style and sometimes ourselves along the way and struggle with getting back to looking our best in the midlife years. So, how do we know if we are in a rut before our friends plan an intervention? Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Do you find yourself wearing the same pieces of clothing over and over again?
  2. Do you dread attending social events because you feel as if you "have nothing to wear?"
  3. Do you stand in your closet just hoping that a great outfit will appear?
  4. Have you changed your hairstyle in the past 2 years?
  5. Do you walk out the door hoping no one sees you?
  6. Are you bored with your own closet?
  7. Do you hate shopping?
  8. Are compliments on your look infrequent?
  9. Have you stopped doing things to make yourself look and feel good?
  10. Are you at a loss as to what looks good on you in this season of life?

Okay, if you answered yes to several of these questions, you are probably in a rut...but then, you probably knew that, right? So, what can you do about it?

Here's the good news, it's not that hard to break out of a style rut! Here are a few tips that will help you to take those first steps:

  1. Get a PROFESSIONAL COLOR ANALYSIS. This will help you to know what colors look best on you and give you confidence for some of the steps below. It will also motivate and excite you to get out of your rut.

  2. Figure out your style. If you have no idea what that it, take the free style quiz. Take into account your current lifestyle, where you wear your clothing, and how you want to express yourself through your clothing. YOUR OUTER LOOK SHOULD REFLECT YOUR INNER S

  3. Armed with the knowledge of your best colors and style, head into your closet. Remove clothing that doesn't fit into your color palette or style, clothing that is very worn or doesn't fit, and clothing you just don't like or find yourself rarely, if ever, wearing.

  4. Revisit your closet and ask yourself what is needed to make it feel like a wardrobe. If you have no idea, Hire a Stylist. I know that sounds expensive, but stylists can actually SAVE you a lot of money by helping guide you about what to purchase within your budget that will create a cohesive closet, helping you work with pieces you already have, and teaching you how to put looks together. And if step 3 seemed overwhelming, a personal stylist can help with that too! Closet edits are their jam!

  5. Get a haircut. Consider even seeing a new stylist who can put fresh eyes on your hair. Ask around for a good one and check their reviews online. A great haircut is worth the cost.

  6. Clean out your makeup drawer and rethink your skin care. Have you moved to more advanced skincare options as your skin has aged? Are you wearing the best foundation product for your skin at this stage of life? Are you wearing your most flattering colors?

  7. Walk through some high-end stores or flip through some fashion magazines and note what catches your eye, what inspires you, and what you would love to wear.

  8. Go shopping with a trusted stylish friend or your personal stylist and have them pick out a few things for you to try on. Another opinion can open you up to great new options.

  9. Change your eyeglasses if you wear them. New frames can bring a whole new look to your face.

  10. Plan a date night or outing with a friend to a nice restaurant, theatre, art show, concert, or other fun event that requires you to get your look together. Commit to the event and to looking your best. Having a deadline can get you moving on getting out of your style rut!

Midlife is full of uncertainties, but your look doesn't have to be one of them.

Following a few simple steps and getting help where you need it will have you feeling confident every time you step out the door!

Here's to you looking your best,

Gail Scott

Gail Scott

Gail Scott is Creative Director for Style and Beauty. She is a makeup expert and personal stylist. If you would like professional advice with Gail, please sign up for her exclusive 2-hour 1:1 session. Or schedule a 15 minute Style Chat with Gail to ask your questions.

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