Color Analysis Case Study - Grey Hair on Younger Women

Each month, I respond to a color analysis question and photo submitted to me through my Ask Jen page. Her question is as follows...
Hi Jen! watched your webinar on grey color analysis. Thank you! It was very interesting and informative. I did notice you have very few of any younger women who have gone grey, which is becoming more and more prevalent and acceptable. Also I didn’t see too many warm brown eyes, nor did I read any warm brown eyes in the descriptions of examples- all the eyes seemed to be described as greens blues hazels etc. So I guess I don’t really have a question but wanted to submit my feedback, and pics in case you could use them to widen your examples.
My hair is mostly a cool ash blend of hazel grey and natural white highlights, and my eyes are (i think!) warm bright brown :) and my complexion is pink and fair.
Thanks again :)