New Warm Medium to Deep Color Fan

New Warm Medium to Deep Color Fan

New Warm Medium to Deep Color Fan

The new Warm Medium to Deep Color Fan combines the colors from the bright warm medium and deep color fans, plus the soft warm medium and deep color fans. This color fan will replace all 4 color fans giving you the ultimate flexibility. Feeling in between soft and bright, now you don't have to decide. Feeling in between Medium and Deep, there's no need to limit yourself.

Shop the new Warm Medium to Deep Color Fan

Shop the new Warm Medium to Deep Color Fan

How to Use the New Warm Medium to Deep Color Fan

Bright Warm and Medium
Remove the darkest pages labeled Deep. Keep them to refer to how dark may be too dark for your medium tones. If you want to wear a darker color than is in the BWM color palette, refer to the Deep pages to see how dark you can go before the color may be way too dark for you.

Bright Warm and Deep
Remove the lightest pages labeled Medium. Keep them to refer to how light may be too light for your deep tones.

Soft Warm and Medium
Remove the pages labeled All Bright Types. Remove the darkest pages labeled Deep. Keep them to refer to how dark may be too dark for your medium tones. If you want to wear a darker color than is in the SWM color palette, refer to the Deep pages to see how dark you can go before the color is way too dark for you.

Soft Warm and Deep
Remove the pages labeled All Bright Types. Remove the lightest pages labeled Medium. Keep them to refer to how light may be too light for your deep tones. 

In between Medium and Deep
Only remove the All Bright Types pages if you are soft. Some lightest pages may be too light for you. Remove the ones you don't like. 

In between Bright and Soft
Only remove the light or medium pages based on the tips above. Keep the bright pages you really enjoy wearing. Remove the rest and keep as reference.

As with any of our color fans, your color fan is customizable. In addition to the tips listed above, you can also remove pages of colors that you simply don't like.

Shop the new Warm Light to Medium Color Fan

Jennifer Vax

Jen Vax is the founder of Your Color Style. She is a best selling author, speaker, artist and entrepreneur. She helps women learn how to wear color in a way that expresses their true nature. Take the FREE color analysis quiz to get started.

1 comment

  • I like this concept. It is the “subtle” softs that really appeal to me – not muted, just slightly softened. Now to decide, as a likely Medium, whether to go with Light-Med or Med-Deep. My formerly brunette hair has gone salt and pepper, mostly salt, causing me to loose a lot of contrast. I was thought to be a winter in older seasonal analyses.

    - Judi

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