November: Color Palette of the Month

Here is November's color palette of the month. This is a harmonious color palette, meaning that all the colors in this color palette are created from the same colors. This month, I did something a little different. I chose 6 bright colors and created 2 additional bright colors. Then softened each with its complement, black and/or white. In the ColorStyle Membership, I show a video on how to use the color wheel (scroll down) to wear a bright color with a softer color. If you have trouble wearing the brighter colors seen in the stores, you'll love this video. On this page is a pinnable image of the color palette for your Pinterest board plus the color wheel.
Join the ColorStyle Membership where you will have access to monthly Color Lab videos and an ink jet printable of the color palette of the month.

Those are beautiful colors. So fitting for the season.