How To Wear Yellow - July 2024

This month is all about wearing the color yellow.
On this page:
- Weekly Color and Style Prompts
- Four Color Palettes to Inspire Your Outfits
- Color Theory - How to find your best shade of yellow to wear
- Choosing the Right Neutrals With Your Yellow
- Style Inspiration
- Makeup Colors When Wearing Yellow
- Live Call Replay
Your color and style prompts for the month are:
Week 1: Take a pic wearing your yellow and post in the Style Masters FB group. OR find an item online in your yellow and share in the group. Remember to tell us what your color type is. If you're unsure if a yellow is right for you, post your pic and ask for feedback.
Week 2: Pair your yellow with a neutral.
Week 3: Style tips and inspiration on wearing the color yellow for your color type.
Week 4: Makeup tips on what color makeup to wear with a yellow top based on your color type.
Four Color Palettes to Inspire Your Outfits
Please sign in or join Style Masters to see all 4 color palettes.
Color Theory - How to find your best shade of yellow to wear
Please sign in or join Style Masters to see the color charts and visual references.
Yellow is only yellow from the brightest shade going light. If you add black to yellow to darken it, you will get a green color. It no longer reads as yellow.
Notice that the last row of each chart are the same. That is because when enough white is added to a color, the color is softened. The bottom row of each chart are soft yellows.
The bright chart includes clear chroma colors up to the purest brightest colors. Bright Yellow is a very bright sharp color. The soft chart includes colors that have been slightly muted. The cool yellows are a bit dusty and the warm yellows are touch earthier. The universal soft yellows aren't all universal. The soft yellow is more appropriate for warm undertones.
Warm yellow is pure yellow with a touch of magenta added to it. The color immediately becomes a golden hue. I've added an in between color to the chart that is not in the color fan, for your reference. Marigold looks almost orange compared to the pure yellow. These warm yellows will only look good on warm undertones.
Cool yellow is pure yellow with a touch of cyan added to it. The color immediately becomes a green-yellow. Although, these colors exist on the warm side of the color wheel, I find that bright and cool individuals can wear chartreuse and bright yellow-greens well. The colors must be sharp. The slightly cool yellows that are in between will also work for cool undertones and not for warm undertones. When you hold your yellow page from your color fan to a yellow item, you are looking for an exact match or a yellow that looks a little green in comparison to your color fan page.
Yellow, as it's truest form, is a bright sharp color and is technically universal to all undertones. However, it can easily appear cool and may not always suit a bright and warm individual. If you have warm undertones, I high recommend you use the bright yellows in your color fan as a reference to identify yellows that are a touch warmer. You'll know this because the item should look more orange than the pure yellow.
The lighter the yellow, the more it will flatter both warm and cool undertones.
Choosing the Right Neutrals With Your Yellow
Please sign in or join Style Masters to see all of the color charts and visual references.
Choose browns that have a golden quality to pair with warm yellows. Choose cool browns to pair with cool yellows.
You can also choose cool neutrals like steel gray and navy to pair with cool neutrals.
Pay attention to the value contrast when you pair your yellow with a neutral. If you pair yellow with a dark yellow it will have a high value contrast. This works great if YOU have high contrast with your features. If you have low contrast between your hair, skin and eyes, then choose neutrals that are about the same darkness/lightness as your yellow.
Style Inspiration
Please sign in or join Style Masters to see all 8 style inspiration images.
Makeup Colors When Wearing Yellow
Discover the right makeup colors to wear with your yellow.
- With yellow, lean into the warmer parts of your palette.
- Use colors like champagne and gold for eye accents and lip gloss to bring warmth to the look.
- If cool, iridescent glosses and eye shadows also work.
- Add highlighter to brighten your face.
- Consider bronzer to give yourself more color.
- Use lip liner that is just slightly deeper than your natural lip color, rather than a matching lip liner.
- Brighter types can go with deeper liners, but stay with nudes.
- Make sure to have a pop on the cheeks to avoid looking pale.
Please sign in or join Style Masters to see the makeup colors for each color type.
On the live call, Jen and Gail share:
- The Color Yellow
- Color Theory about yellow
- Choosing Neutrals that go with your yellow
- Your BEST Yellow - virtual drapings of 10 members in their best yellow and complementary lipstick color
- How to ID Your BEST Yellow - especially when in a store
- The 4 Color Palettes Explained
- Style Inspiration - how to wear yellow
- Makeup colors for each color type to wear with your yellow
To watch the replay and
to access all of the content,
join Style Masters.
Are you ready to show up everyday with confidence and authenticity? Learn how to easily pull together complete outfits that flatter your shape, are in your BEST colors and express who you are.
- Posted in yellow