I am going to walk you through our S.H.I.N.E. framework. This framework is your journey map. It will help you discover and customize a color palette that is uniquely you and then give you a foundation for learning how to pull flattering outfits together in your personal style and best colors. You are welcome to go at your own pace through your journey.
S - 3 Steps to discovering your color type
In this first phase of your journey, we will be helping you learn your color type. There are several ways to learn your color type, listed below. Once you learn your color type, you can move on to the next phase of your journey.
If you are feeling like you are in between light, medium or deep, or just need some clarity, you can ask questions about your coloring and tone in a Color Type Clarity Call within Style Masters. Please know that we will not be able to clarify undertones. Only questions around why some colors may not look good, or what depth you should choose, or you feel like you're in between bright and soft.
H - Hold your colors in your hand and edit your wardrobe
Once you know your color type, you will want to have your complete color palette in your hands. This could be your color fan or a digital color palette. Then you can start understand what colors you already have and what colors you may want to try. You can do some light editing to your wardrobe, but hold off doing an aggressive cleaning until you complete phase N.
Download Your Digital Color Palette
Get your Color Guide (includes your digital color palette)
I - Identify your Signature colors
In this phase of your journey, you will start to learn HOW to wear your colors to fit your personality. Your signature colors express different moods and personality. Your Color Guide will break your color palette and neutrals down and explain certain colors convey different moods and perceptions.
Take the Discover Your Signature Colors course
N - Narrow down your color palette to your BEST colors
In this phase, you will be removing colors that just don't suit you and focusing on the colors that make you shine. All the colors in your color palette will be ok for you, but some colors may not be great based on your unique coloring and tone. And other colors will be your WOW colors.
Learning your level within your color type will help you understand what colors to focus on, which neutrals are your best and what colors you may want to avoid.
Download your Levels guide in Style Masters
If you're a member, filter the library by your color type.
Watch the bonus live call on Levels in Style Masters
Get on a Color Type Clarity Call in Style Masters
E - Express who you are through your colors and personal style
This phase is almost the beginning of a life long journey of self discovery. Our personal style changes over time. Our tastes change. Style change. Our bodies change. We will help you learn how to flatter your shape, how to wear your colors the right way and to pull stylish outfit together.
Join the like minded community of women that are all learning how to wear their colors, exploring their personal style and playing with outfit ideas to learn their personal style. They are growing in confidence in their choices and it beautiful!