3 Steps to Curating a Wardrobe In Your Color Palette
Color Analysis Training - How To Become A Color Analyst

3 Steps to Curating a Wardrobe In Your Color Palette

3 Steps to Curating a Wardrobe In Your Color Palette

When you learn your color palette, it's so tempting to toss all of your old clothes and start to shop for all the colors in your color palette. The problem with that is that you may end up with a bunch of clothes that don't work together. A rainbow of colors doesn't help you create a smart wardrobe. Plus, you're missing out on opportunities to focus on your personal style. 

I've outlined 3 simple steps that you can take action on right now to start building a wardrobe that works for you... in your color palette. Win!

Step 1: Choose 2 or 3 neutrals

Your color palette has a range of neutrals that will be flattering on you but I recommend you narrow down to your absolute best neutrals. Choose 2 or 3 neutrals that go well together. You should be able to create several outfits just from your neutrals. 

Your neutrals may change from season to season. For example, I am soft, warm and light and wear camel browns, ivory and navy in the colder weather. In the spring and summer, I tend to wear navy, olive green, light denim and ivory. Some of the lighter ivory pieces transition me into the warm weather.

These neutrals work well with the colors in my color palette and together. 

See what you have currently in your wardrobe. Can you make a complete outfit with your neutrals? Consider tops, bottoms, shoes and bags. What's missing? Start a list of pieces that would complete your foundational neutral capsule.

Color Strategies

Color Strategies GuideThis 22 page guide shares with you a simple strategy that will have you curating items that not only go together but reflect your personality. 

Download the Color Strategies E-Book

Step 2: Choose 1 color

Before you add in a rainbow of colors to your wardrobe, start simple. What color do you have a lot of in your wardrobe AND is in your color palette. If you love wearing this color, then make sure this color looks great with the neutrals you have chosen. How many outfits can you create with the items you have in this color with your neutral items identified in step 1? What do you need to add to create more outfits? Think of tops, bottoms, shoes, bags and accessories. A neutral outfit with a necklace in your chosen color or shoes in a color. Simple and stylish.

Step 3: Add on a second color or pattern

Now, we stack on top of steps 1 and 2. Choose a second color. It should meet the following criteria:

  • It looks good with the color chosen in step 1
  • It looks good with the neutrals chosen in step 2
  • It's in your color palette

How many outfits can you create with the 2 colors and neutrals you've chosen? What's missing? 

Using this strategy when you shop can help you create a cohesive wardrobe in colors that flatter you and that reflects who you are.

 I hope you found these 3 steps helpful. 

I've listed below a few resources we offer that may help you on your color journey:

Jennifer Vax

Jen Vax is the founder of Your Color Style. She is a best selling author, speaker, artist and entrepreneur. She helps women learn how to wear color in a way that expresses their true nature. Take the FREE color analysis quiz to get started.

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