Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes - Color Analysis Q&A

Jen answers a color analysis question from her Ask Jen page. She has blonde hair and blue eyes.
Hello Jen! Thank you for your teachings! I am having a hard time figuring out my exact color because sometimes my skin looks pink and sometimes I see orange. No amount of me following a guide to determine my color is working because I am seeing both pink and orange (warm and cool). Aaargh!
I think I am a “bright 4” but I want to buy a color fan and the style guide, but I can’t figure out exactly which ones to buy (bright cool light or bright cool medium? Or warm?). I’m also confused about neutrals ( wear white or cream?). I couldn’t find my coloring in the email about neutrals you sent last weekend. And finally- gold or silver jewelry? For “bright 4’s” you say shiny not matte, but you don’t say if gold and silver both work? That was a lot of questions, but I feel like I can’t quite start buying everything I need until I figure out if I’m cool or warm.
Thank you in advance for your help!
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Bright cool light in my opinion