Q&A - Do I need the brighter colors now that I'm 60?

Q&A - Do I need the brighter colors now that I'm 60?

Q&A - Do I need the brighter colors now that I'm 60?


Hi Jen,Thank you for the opportunity to ask you a question. I had my colours professionally done 11 years ago when I was 49. I was then diagnosed as a light cool summer-soft/muted. I have blue eyes and light pinky toned skin and my hair was mousey blonde and I always put streaks in it. I have just turned 60 (tears) and I am still dyeing my hair an ash blonde but fighting the white and everything is much lighter and I am wondering now if I need the bright colours. I just sent for your colour fans and sent for a soft and cool fan and a bright, cool and light fan. They have not arrived yet but I seem to have got myself very confused as to which I am now that I have got older. I really need your help!!! Thank you so much in advance.Regards Nerida

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Jennifer Thoden


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