What's the ONE Thing Missing From Your Wardrobe?

What's the ONE Thing Missing From Your Wardrobe?

For the past 2 weeks, I had been kind of low. Not necessarily depressed but just not "up". Energy seemed low. No real desire to do anything. I worked on my business but didn't really do anything new. I just felt blah.

Normally, when this happens, it lasts a couple of days, and then I pop out of it, and feel fine. It's like my body has to complete its cycle of high to low and back up again.

This time was different. 2 weeks is a long time. I'm feeling MUCH better now, but what was up with this long, lingering low?

Looking back on the 2 weeks... I couldn't really pin-point a trigger that made me feel low. Was there an event? Was it hormones? The season?

And then it hit me. What was MISSING?

For the past 2 weeks, none of my core values were being addressed. My core values are Be Creative, Have Fun, Teach, Learn and Inspire. These are the values, that when all are met, the world feels right. Everything feels easy and I'm in flow.

When I started to feel a little low, I stopped doing anything new. Watching TV and not running or drawing or creating content or making videos or writing... was actually hurting me. Where I thought I was "resting" was in fact creating a hole in my life.

I forced myself to go running and listen to music that makes me smile... I felt a lot better. I had some fun. Key.

I started writing a book that's been nagging at me... and that fired me up. I was being creative, teaching, learning and inspiring. CHECK.

The take away from this is... learn what your core values are. See where they are missing in your life. How can you align your job, business, relationships and life with your core values? This could make all the difference.

But wait... the title of this post is What's the ONE thing missing from your wardrobe?

If you're feeling uninspired by what's in your wardrobe... look at your core values. What's missing? For me... is the mix of clothes, colors and patterns FUN? Do they make me feel creative? Can I be creative when pulling them together?

If your core value is fun and you have nothing but navy and solid neutrals... maybe you need to add a splash of a color that means fun to you. A bright bag. Get your nails painted. Fun statement necklace. Add in your personality!

I hope this helps. I've been thinking about writing a short e-book on how to define your core values and how to use them to enhance your life. Is that something you'd read? Comment below.



Jennifer Thoden


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