Best Color Palette for Olive Skin Tone - Step 1

Best Colors For Olive Skin Tone - Step 1

Welcome to the Your Color Style Color Analysis Quiz for Olive Skin Tone!

Welcome to an empowering journey tailored specifically for women with olive toned skin! Prepare to unlock the secrets of color harmony that will accentuate your natural beauty like never before. 🌿

Embrace the richness of your olive undertones as we guide you through three simple steps towards a wardrobe that truly celebrates your unique glow.

Gone are the days of guessing which colors suit you best. With our quiz, you'll unveil a personalized palette that effortlessly complements your skin's olive tones, enhancing your features with every shade chosen. Say goodbye to fashion dilemmas and hello to a closet filled with confidence-boosting colors that resonate with your essence.

Are you ready to embrace a world where your olive skin tone is celebrated and adorned with the perfect hues? Let's embark on this journey together, where every color choice becomes a reflection of your inner radiance and a testament to your undeniable beauty! 🌿💫

 And now... Step 1 of the quiz...



Step 1: Are you light, medium or deep?

Watch this video to help you understand if you are light, medium or deep.

The video below shows women of all colors, not just olive skin toned women. This video is designed to explain the concept behind how light or dark your tones are. This step is true no matter your skin tone.

If you don't see a video below, please allow a few moments for the video to load. Thank you for your patience.

Common Scenarios

Dark brown eyes but your hair and skin are lighter

Grey hair blended with brown hair, light eyes, light skin

Gray hair mixed with dark hair

Gray hair but you used to have bright coppery red hair

Salt and Pepper hair with light eyes, light skin

  • If your hair is at least 50% dark hair, select DEEP
  • If your hair is at least 50% medium dark hair, select MEDIUM
  • Mostly silver or white or grey, select LIGHT

    Light hair, light skin, medium brown eyes

    Light brown hair, light skin, light eyes.

    • If you were blonde through your 20s, then you are LIGHT

    Red/Copper/Auburn hair, light skin, light eyes

      Brown hair with blonde highlights

      • If you have super deep eyes, then you are DEEP. Otherwise, select MEDIUM.

      Still not sure?

      If you do not see a scenario that relates to you and you have watched the video, post in the comments what your combination of hair, skin and eyes are, so that I can make sure to cover it in this quiz.

      Let our expertly trained color analysts perform an accurate online color analysis to help you discover your most flattering color palette.

      Learn more about our virtual color analysis services

      online color analysis

      Jennifer Vax

      Jen Vax is the founder of Your Color Style. She is a best selling author, speaker, artist and entrepreneur. She helps women learn how to wear color in a way that expresses their true nature. Take the FREE color analysis quiz to get started.


      • There’s no option above for gray with dark brown hair and medium to dark brown eyes. Where would that color combo land?

        - Kendra
      • Hey, I need help. I’ve been starting to use makeup, and ever since then I have always used it whenever I’m going out. And it has been in my mind, I tend not only buy lipstick that’s is the same shade, and most of them are cool tones that makes me look dull and aged me. I also find it hard to get the shade that would match my foundation, concealer and powder. I think I’m a neutral, and I have medium skin tones. But most product make my skin look dull— kinda greyish which lead me to think I might have olive undertone(?)

        - Aulia

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