12 New Color Fans Explained
Color Analysis Training - How To Become A Color Analyst

12 New Color Fans Explained

12 New Color Fans Explained

Your Color Style has evolved quite a bit since its beginning 6 years ago. I have personally designed the color palettes and the methodology to help you determine what colors flatter you best and which colors to avoid. For a long time, I only offered four color fans. Bright & Warm, Bright & Cool, Soft & Warm and Soft & Cool. Within each of these color fans you can customize your colors based on your depth. I absolutely love these fans, but the feedback I have received over the past two years is that you want a more targeted color palette, so that you don't have to guess.

I spent a few months crafting custom color palettes for each of the 12 color types. These are NOT reduced versions of the original larger color fans. These are individually crafted using some of the colors from the larger fan, adding in new colors where there was too big of a gap and removed colors and neutrals that I didn't feel were best. These twelve color fans stand on their own and I am so excited to share them with you!

Each Color Fan Explained

I am creating videos for each color fan so that you can get a deep dive into the colors of your color fan. I explain why I chose those colors and why you may not see some colors that you saw in the larger fans. I hope these videos get you excited and the confidence to get your own color fan. By the way, if you don't know your color type yet, please get your Color Style Kit. It can really help.

Bright, Cool and Light Color Fan

Order my Bright, Cool and Light Color Fan


Order my Bright, Cool and Light Color Fan

Bright, Cool and Medium Color Fan

Order my Bright, Cool and Medium Color Fan


Order my Bright, Cool and Medium Color Fan

Bright, Cool and Deep Color Fan

Order my Bright, Cool and Deep Color Fan


Order my Bright, Cool and Deep Color Fan

Order my Bright, Cool and Deep Color Fan

Bright, Warm and Light Color Fan

Order my Bright, Warm and Light Color Fan


Order my Bright, Warm and Light Color Fan

Bright, Warm and Medium Color Fan

Order my Bright, Warm and Medium Color Fan


Order my Bright, Warm and Medium Color Fan

Order my Bright, Warm and Medium Color Fan

Bright, Warm and Deep Color Fan

Video coming soon

Order my Bright, Warm and Deep Color Fan

Soft, Cool and Light Color Fan

Video coming soon

Order my Soft, Cool and Light Color Fan

Soft, Cool and Medium Color Fan

Order my Soft, Cool and Medium Color Fan


Order my Soft, Cool and Medium Color Fan

Soft, Cool and Deep Color Fan

Order my Soft, Cool and Deep Color Fan


Order my Soft, Cool and Deep Color Fan

Soft, Warm and Light Color Fan

Video coming soon

Order my Soft, Warm and Light Color Fan

Soft, Warm and Medium Color Fan

Order my Soft, Warm and Medium Color Fan


Order my Soft, Warm and Medium Color Fan

Order my Soft, Warm and Medium Color Fan

Soft, Warm and Deep Color Fan

Order my Soft, Warm and Deep Color Fan


Order my Soft, Warm and Deep Color Fan

What customers are saying in the Your Color Style Facebook Group

Jennifer Thoden


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