The color combinations in this post were created using the soft color wheel to the left.
The first outfit is a monochromatic color scheme. Different shades of Watermelon were used to create a low contrast look.
The second outfit is a complementary color scheme. Watermelon (00) and the color directly across from Watermelon (08) is combined together to create a high contrast look.
The third outfit is a triad complementary color scheme. Watermelon (00) is combined with a mint (10) which is about 6 spokes away. This creates a fun color combo.
The fourth outfit is a analogous color scheme. Colors near Watermelon are combined together to create a low to medium contrast look.
Outfit Idea #1: Soft Watermelon and Red Plum
Different shades of Watermelon were used to create this low contrast look. Simple and easy.
Outfit Idea #2: Soft Watermelon and Green Yellow
Watermelon is combined with it’s complement to create a high-energy look.
Outfit Idea #3: Soft Watermelon and Mint
Watermelon is combined with a mint which is about 6 spokes away on the color wheel. This creates a fun color combo. The mint is a cool color, so this outfit will look best on someone with cool undertones.