Color Analysis Tutorials and Blog


Color Analysis Case Study: Ashy Blonde Hair, Blue-Green-Grey Eyes
Jen does a color analysis case study on one of her VIP members. She has ashy blonde hair, blue-green eyes. Watch to learn what her signature color...
Your Color Style Journey
We offer a lot of color analysis products at Your Color Style, but it can be overwhelming. Especially if you're struggling with what colors look g...
Color Analysis Terminology
There are so many words that we hear when we talk about color analysis. Lots of similar terms across color systems, but do they mean the same? I c...
Jodie Filogomo - Breaking Rules, Midlife and Finding Your Tribe
Subscribe to the Your Color Style podcast: iTunes | Spotify Jodie Filogomo is the fashion editor of Her over 50 blog featur...
Not attracted to the colors you're supposed to wear?
Jen answers the question: "Have you ever noticed that the colors we are supposed to wear, we are not attracted to sometime?" https://www.youtu...
3 Ways To Wear Aspen Gold
Aspen Gold is one of this season's trending colors. It is a bright golden yellow . It looks best on someone who has warm undertones. Want to know ...
Sara Delaney - Notes From A Stylist
Subscribe to the Your Color Style podcast: iTunes | Spotify Sara Delaney is the lifestyle and fashion blogger of Her ov...
Red Hair and Blue Eyes - Do I have cool undertones?
Jen answers the question: "I'm a redhead but have blue veins, also more pink to my skin does this make me a cool undertone? https://www.youtub...
3 Ways To Wear Fiesta
Learn how to wear Fiesta - a bright tomato red. It looks best on someone who has warm undertones. Fiesta is such a fun color. I personally love it...
Pamela Lutrell - Over 50 Feeling 40
Subscribe to the Your Color Style podcast: iTunes | Spotify Pamela Lutrell is the creator of the over 50 fashion blog S...
Soft and Cool: Can I wear a cooler shade of orange?
Jen answers the following question: "Hi Jen ! Couldn't someone with cool undertones and possibly soft coloring where a cooler shade of Orange." ...
Deborah Boland - How To Be Fabulous After 40
Subscribe to the Your Color Style podcast: iTunes | Spotify "Life is too short to be frumpy!" Deborah Boland from the popular blog Fabulous...

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