I'm Loving Your Energy?
The energy in the room completely changed when they walked through the door. I was hanging out my kids, laughing and getting dinner ready. I was in...
Style School: What Body Type Am I?
A review of the 5 main body types and learn how you can identify your body shape. Then you can learn how to dress your body in your most flattering colors!
What do you focus on everyday?
Let’s imagine that you’re going to a job interview for a position that you REALLY want. You can’t believe that you got a first interview. You’re sc...
Ask Jen: Pure White For A Light Summer?
First of all, I love it when you ask questions. If you have a question, please send it to me via my Ask Jen page.
This week's question...
Treat People With Love and Respect
The other day Joe (my boyfriend) and I were challenged by a fellow driver over who had the right to park in a parking space... that we parked in. H...
Paddles of Death
Have I mentioned that I kick ass in ping-pong? No? Well... I do! I LOVE it!
What does this have to do with inner style? Watch the video and see!
Style School: The Golden Ratio and The Perfect Hem Line
I'm going to share with you one of my favorite style tips! To look really good in your clothes, you want to find the perfect balance for your body ...
How To Boost Your Confidence
Are you feeling like you can do nothing right? Is the everyday bringing you down? Watch this episode of the Jen Thoden show to learn how to boost y...
Your 90 Day Year
How many times can you remember declaring New Year's resolutions only to discover that you never actually stick to them? Watch this episode of the ...
What Will They Say About You When...
A couple weeks ago, I attended my best friend's father's funeral. He died of heart failure at 70. I've been friends with Michelle since we were 8 y...
Warm Colors vs. Cool Colors
Learn about the differences between warm and cool colors to help you learn what colors will flatter your undertones in color analysis.
New to Your Color Style?
Transforming your style is easy.
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