Free Color Analysis Quiz: What color palette am I

Color Analysis Quiz - Step 1

Welcome to the Your Color Style Color Analysis Quiz!

Welcome to a transformative journey of self-discovery through the vibrant world of colors! Unveil the power of personal style with our Color Analysis Quiz, a three-step process designed to reveal the hues that perfectly complement and accentuate your unique beauty. 🌈

This color palette quiz will ask you 3 questions based on your answers. 

You're going to learn a lot about the Your Color Style methodology as you move through this quiz. I felt compelled to explain a few things when asking the questions, because I don't want to assume you know what I'm talking about. :-)

Our Color Analysis Quiz transcends the ordinary; it's a celebration of individuality and a gateway to a more confident, radiant you.

Unravel the secrets of your most flattering colors, unlocking a color palette that harmonizes with your skin tone, eye color, and overall aura. Bid farewell to fashion confusion and embrace the joy of selecting outfits that resonate with your authentic self.

Are you ready to embrace a world where every shade tells a story and every color complements your unique journey? Let's embark on this exciting adventure together—because true beauty radiates from within, and the right colors can illuminate your path to self-expression and confidence! 🎨✨

 And now... Step 1 of the quiz...


 Wait! Do you have olive skin tone? Take our color analysis quiz designed specifically for olive skin toned women.

Step 1: Are you light, medium or deep?

Watch this video to help you understand if you are light, medium or deep.

If you don't see a video below, please allow a few moments for the video to load. Thank you for your patience.

Common Scenarios

Not sure if you are medium or deep? Feel in between?

Grey hair blended with medium brown hair, light eyes, light skin

Salt and Pepper hair with light eyes, light skin

Light hair, light skin, medium brown eyes

Light brown hair, light skin, light eyes.

Red/Copper/Auburn hair, light skin, light eyes

    Brown hair with blonde highlights

    • If you have super deep eyes, then you are DEEP. Otherwise, select MEDIUM.

    Still not sure?

    If you do not see a scenario that relates to you and you have watched the video, post in the comments what your combination of hair, skin and eyes are, so that I can make sure to cover it in this quiz.

    Let our expertly trained color analysts perform an accurate online color analysis to help you discover your most flattering color palette.

    Learn more about our virtual color analysis services

    online color analysis

    Jennifer Vax

    Jen Vax is the founder of Your Color Style. She is a best selling author, speaker, artist and entrepreneur. She helps women learn how to wear color in a way that expresses their true nature. Take the FREE color analysis quiz to get started.


    • Hi Jen, I wonder if you can advise me! I have blonde hair, blue eyes and pale skin which makes me think I am light but given that my hair colour is naturally brown and only dyed blonde I wonder whether I am actually a medium? Your thoughts on this would be most appreciated!
      Your Color Style replied:
      If it is light brown, then you would be light. But if it’s medium dark, then you would be medium.Hope that helpsJenSent from my iPad

      - Sonia
    • Hi Jen-I really like your color system, but am having a hard time determining my chroma. I have medium ash brown hair, grey/grey-hazel eyes and my skin is neutral to cool medium beige. I am medium and cool but not sure if I’m soft or bright. Light pastels wash me out as does black/white. Sometimes I feel great in bright colors and other times it is too much. Sometimes I feel great in greys and other times I feel washed out. Ugh. I’ve been through a ton of your content and still can’t decide. I’d really like to get your color and neutral swatches but want to make sure I pick the right one. Any suggestions?
      Your Color Style replied:

      Ashy brown hair and grey-green eyes with medium beige skin (low contrast) is very common for a Soft Cool Medium. I believe that is the right color palette for you


      - Sharee
    • Hi! I can’t figure out if I’m light or medium. I have dark blonde hair, blue eyes, and very pale skin. All the examples of light are very light blonde hair.
      Your Color Style replied:

      You sound like you would still be light.


      - Allie
    • I think I am Bright and cool but not sure if medium or deep???. I really suit black/white, jewel colours and metallics. I suit pastels if they are very clear. i do not suit earthy colours. only khaki and brown shades if they are cool beige, chocolate brown or dark khaki not olive or sage. I have quite dark hair with chocolate tones. I tan quite easy but can burn with dark hazel eyes (not brown) ..slight yellow tone to my skin.
      Your Color Style replied:
      You sound like bright cool and deep to me. BCD usually can wear the lighter clear icy colors in addition to the jewel tones and black.


      - Janine Barnes
    • I’m a natural blonde (most recently it was very ashy blonde before I went red), and when I spend a lot of time in the sun my hair becomes golden blonde. my skin is olive toned, and my eyes are hazel green. Not sure where I fall. Medium?
      Your Color Style replied:
      Yes, I would choose green

      - Allie

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