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SCM Levels

Customize your color palette, so that you wear your BEST colors.

004 Soft Color Wheels

Here are the new Soft Color Wheels that are aligned with the new color fans. 004 is the number in the SKU on the back of the color fans. These color wheels are ideal for the soft and warm color types.

You'll find two complete bright color wheels. One that is light to dark and the other dark to light. Plus, customized color wheels for each of the soft and warm color types. Download what makes sense for you.

Soft & Cool - January 2023 Live Call Replay

This is the replay of the Soft & Cool color type live call on January 4, 2023. Discover Color Theory for Soft and Cool, makeup tips and so much more.

    Soft Cool and Medium Explained
    Trying to figure out if you are soft cool and medium? Or maybe you're stuck between soft cool medium and bright cool medium? Or between soft cool medium and soft cool deep. Watch this video to understand the key characteristics of the soft cool and medium color type.
    Soft Cool Medium - Color Guide

    Learn how to wear your Soft Cool and Medium colors.

    This post includes your:

    • Soft Cool and Medium Color Guide
    • One Page Digital Color Palette
    • Printable Color Swatches, Neutrals and Signature Colors
    SCM Printable Color Palettes

    Download and print your soft cool and medium color palettes. You will discover a high resolution file of your one page color palette. Plus a PDF that includes your color palette and your neutrals. 

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